( The BVG Jelbi logo appears on a black background. We then see a kitchen with an open, empty fridge in the background and a hand in the foreground holding a smartphone with the Jelbi app open. )
Public transport, taxis, sharing – all in one place.
( You can now see the home screen of the Jelbi app. It shows a city map and selection options for the various types of mobility )
Enter your destination to see all options for getting there.
( The kitchen fades into the background. A route search is displayed on the app screen and the hand switches back and forth between different types of modes. One after the other, a bicycle, then an e-moped, a car-sharing car, an e-scooter and a tram appear next to the smartphone. )
Choose your preferred service.Depending on trip duration, price, weather, occasion, and your mood.
( The scene changes to a city backdrop with a tram in the foreground )
And you're good to go!
( A black background with a BVG heart appears. The Jelbi logo is displayed )
How it works:

Registration. Register once to use all modes of transportation.
- Download and install the app.
- Sign up or log in to your existing BVG account.
- Validate your documents (e.g. driver’s licence, ID), choose a payment method, and you’re done.
Berlin’s entire public transport and sharing services in just one app.

Trip Planner. Compare prices and offers of Berlin’s public transport and sharing services.
- The home screen shows all services, stations, and stops around you; it also asks you where you’d like to go.
- After entering a destination, real-time routing information and available services are shown.
Simply choose a destination, select a route and compare.

Booking. One app that meets all your mobility needs.
- Select your route based on price, travel times, the weather, or anything else you like.
- Once you’ve found your route and service, you can book it directly in the Jelbi app.
- The app guides you quickly and easily through the process.
Book the services that suit your needs.
Mobility for Berlin.
Berlin’s entire public transport and sharing services in just one app.
Always find the best route – to suit your needs.
Personalised services on demand: door to door, 24/7.
A simple and smooth user experience – from booking to payment.
One BVG app that meets all your mobility needs.
Do you have any more questions? Find answers in our FAQ.

Mobility for Berlin.
Berlin’s entire public transport and sharing services in just one app.
Always find the best route – to suit your needs.
Personalised services on demand:
door to door, 24/7.
A simple and smooth user experience
– from booking to payment.
One BVG app that meets all your mobility needs.
Do you have any more questions?
Find answers in our FAQ.
( The BVG Jelbi logo appears on a black background. We then see a green an urban background and a hand in the foreground holding a smartphone with the Jelbi app open. )
Get anywhere you want with Jelbi.
( You can now see the home screen of the Jelbi app. It shows a city map and selection options for the various types of mobility. )
Simply enter your destination to get route info and available services.
( The city backdrop fades into the background, where you can now see a cab. A route search with a cab is displayed on the app screen. )
Taxis - pick you up and get you to any destination in Berlin, anywhere, any time.
( The cab disappears and is replaced by a car sharing car. A route search with car sharing is displayed on the app screen. )
Car sharing – book a car or a van and park in a free spot within the service area.
( The car disappears and is replaced by a tram. A route search with a public transport connection is displayed on the app screen. )
Public transport – ride buses, trams, subways, and ferries.
( The tram disappears and is first replaced by a bicycle, then an e-scooter and finally an e-moped. A route search with micromobility is displayed on the app screen. )
Shared bikes, e-scooters- and e-mopeds - Within the S-Bahn ring and in ever more residential areas beyond.
Compare services and prices at a glance.
Choose your preferred mobility mode, book it, and off you go.
( Smartphone and hand disappear. Now a person is riding an e-moped along a road and stops briefly not far from a bus stop and a person pushing a baby carriage. )
Always park your vehicle without obstructing anyone or anything.
( The person on the e-moped continues to ride to a Jelbi station where car-sharing and rental bikes are already parked. )
It's always best to park at a Jelbi Location.
This keeps your neighbourhood tidy.
You can rent, park, and charge cars, bikes, and scooters here at any time.
Did you know?
In more and more parts of Berlin's city centre, bikes and scooters can only be dropped off at Jelbi locations. You can see them in the Jelbi app.
( The city backdrop disappears completely. A yellow background appears. A smartphone with the map view in the Jelbi app can be seen next to the text. Jelbi stations are marked with a rectangular icon, Jelbi points are for micromobility only and are marked with a round icon and highlighted on the map. )
Enter "Jelbi" in the serch bar and find locations near you.
( The jelbi.de/melden page appears on the smartphone. )
Dirt, damage, or a parking violation?
Use the contact form to report an issue.
( A night-time cityscape appears in the background. The hand holding a smartphone with the Jelbi app open and tapping on a nearby public transport stop appears again in the foreground. )
Prefer getting home by public transport?
Jelbi shows you all connections at a glance.
( The stops of a subway line are displayed in the app. )
Get Information on stops, connection times, and more.
( A yellow background appears. Next to the text, you can see a smartphone with the route search in the Jelbi app. The slider for displaying step-free public transport connections is activated. )
Display step-free routes.
For anyone with accessibility needs.
( The "ticket" menu item is highlighted and the ticket store screen of the Jelbi app appears. )
Book your public transport ticket directly in the app.
( An active, digital Deutschland ticket is displayed. )
Already purchased tickets are displayed under "My Tickets"
Do you have BVG's mobile Deutschland ticket?
You can display it in the Jelbi app.
( A subway station is displayed into which an incoming subway is entering. )
Use Berlin's public transport and sharing services in just one app and with just one account.
( A black background with a BVG heart appears. The Jelbi logo is also displayed. )